Words of Wisdom

“One travels more usefully when alone, because he reflects more” - Thomas Jefferson

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Do Not Cockk!!

Found in the hallway of my university during some renovations.
Need I say anything else...

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Friday, August 6, 2010

Blink Pixel Blink!

It is my honour to introduce you to the newest Gaming Blog on the block, Blink Pixel Blink! What does this blog have to offer that is different than all the other gaming blogs you ask? Well for one the author is Italian! (not really surprising...those Italians love their games) He's also an avid gamer and my best friend. His insights on the video game industry and culture are ballin' and his knowledge is astoundin'! So who better than to describe his blog than the man himself:

"Blink, pixel, blink was created by some Italian guy on July 18th, 2010, instead of working on a philosophy paper which was due the following morning. He started BPB for one simple reason: he knows more s*** about games then you do and he wants to prove it. His goal is to write concise reviews for those who just want to know if a game is worth playing and more in-depth reviews for those without girlfriends (and that’s most of you) who take up precious gaming time. He will also pump out articles like it’s his job (which he wishes it was) and probably make multiple references to Calabria or some other thing from his homeland.

What makes this guy so qualified you ask? First of all, stop asking so many questions and swallow the Cheetos before your talk..."

And that's just a taste of what he is gonna bring to the table (your computer screen)! Also versed in the language of philosophy, his article Fatties and Fallacies is a shout out to all his gaming brethren and those who would oppose them. Not only is he a master player (of the games) he is also the synth player for the band Maraday Park! They've made some sick tunes so definitely check them out.

So check out Blink Pixel Blink, you just might learn something!

Also join his Facebook Group and follow him on Twitter @blinkpixelblink

Monday, August 2, 2010

Why is Snow White?

Yes! The burning (cooling?) question I know you've all been asking since you first set your eyes on the magical powdery stuff...why is snow white? It was on my way up to my geology summer job that I stumbled upon this thought. As I drove further north towards Armstrong Ontario (and then past it), I realized that there was snow on the sides of the road. But this wasn't December or even March. This was May! But anyway, it was then that I figured that I should find out why snow is white.

First, we should understand why things have colour in the first place. What we perceive as visible light is actually a combination of many different frequencies of light. Our eyes take in these differing frequencies and interpret them as colours. Where do these frequencies come from? Well, particles in objects vibrate in response to energy. Depending on the frequency of the energy, each object will have a vibration frequency which in turn determines the colour emitted. Also, the particles involved absorb a certain amount of light energy which is then absorbed as heat. As a consequence, certain objects can absorb certain frequencies of light more than others.

What happens next to the light frequencies that are not absorbed differs depending on the particles involved. In one case, the photons (light energy) emitted continue to pass through the particles of a material, resulting in a transparent object. In another case, the photons are re-emitted out of the material, so no light (or very little) passes through, resulting in an opaque object. The colour that we see is a combination of the light energy that the particles didn't absorb.

So now back to snow. We know that snow is just frozen water (ice) which is actually translucent. This leads us to conclude that the photons don't actually pass directly through the material, but actually change direction due to the particles of the material. This is due to interaction of the light photons with the molecular structure of the ice. This interaction alters the photon's path and it exits in a direction all together different than which it entered.

Since snow is just a group of individual ice crystals positioned together, the effect mentioned above occurs on a large scale. When light enters an ice crystal, its direction is altered and it goes through another ice crystal. This continues to happen until the light is bounced right out of the snow. Since it does this to every light frequency, all colours of light are shot back out. When all the colours of the visible spectrum are combined (which is what has occurred here with the ice crystals), we end up seeing the colour "white". Hence, snow! However, if we were to look at the individual ice crystals, we would see differing colours.

And there you have it! You now know why snow is white, and if you can connect the dots, why objects are the colours that they are.

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Friday, July 30, 2010

Get to know a Mineral: Molybdenite

About a week ago, I happened upon a new mineral on the property I am working on. We were cutting channel samples when a purplish liquid ran out of the rock cut and upon further inspection, I found silverish goo in the rock. I did not know it at the time, but we had found Molybdenite. So I decided to make it the topic of today's entry.

Molybdenite or "Molly" (as it is affectionately called by geologists) is a soft metallic mineral that is often confused with graphite. In fact, the two minerals can appear so similar that their streaks are often the only way to tell the difference. And if that fails, then it falls to the comparison of density, molybdenite being the denser of the two.

The chemical formula of "Molly" is MoS, and because of its layered structure it has a lubricating effect. Consisting of a sheet of molybdenum atoms squeezed between sheets of sulfur atoms, the atomic structure of molybdenite balances strong Mo-S bonds with weak sulfur bonds between layers. This results in effortless slippage and cleavage planes.

Occurring in high temperature hydrothermal ore deposits, molybdenite is associated with pyrite, quartz and fluorite (to name a few). The element rhenium readily substitutes for molybdenum which can result in a varying structure. Tracing the radioactive isotope rhenium-187 and the daughter isotope osmium-187 allows for geo-chronolgic dating, which is useful for determining dates of deposition and origin.

The main element in "molly" is Molybdenum (Mo) and it has a rather interesting history. It previously held the name molybdena and was often confused with both graphite and galena. It was thought that it contained lead and that is where it gets its name, molybdos (ancient Greek for lead). It was only in 1778 that it was discovered to be its own element and three years later it was successfully isolated using carbon and linseed oil. Reportedly, the alloying of molybdenum with steel was found to occur in one 14th century Japanese sword. Unfortunately, this art was never used widely and was subsequently lost (hence the lack of molybdenum-sword wielding ninjas).

Obviously not Molly...
In World War I, the British replaced the manganese steel plating on their tanks with molybdenum steel plating, which allowed for higher speed, increased maneuverability and greater protection (despite being thinner). Current uses for molybdenum include being used as an adhesive between enamels and metals, as a fertilizer for some plants (including cauliflower) and in biological staining procedures.

Listed on the London Metal Exchange, molybdenum has a value of about $30,000/tonne (as of August 2009). Due to increased demand, it reached a peak of $103,000/tonne in June of 2005! It is the 54th most abundant element in the crust of the Earth and 42nd in the Universe. It was even discovered on the Moon by a Russian space mission.

Crystal System: Hexagonal
Cleavage: Perfect [0001]
Streak: bluish grey
Luster: Metallic

Also Get to Know:

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My Theory of Relative Existence

Trying to understand the world is not an easy thing to do. Trying to come up with reasons for the things you do is even harder. Thinking about this, I realize that we have no solid reasons for why we do things, other than the obvious "to survive" and "because it feels good". I guess I should explain myself better.

Biologically, we know why we need things like food and love, and physically we know why we succumb to forces like gravity and momentum. What I am thinking of is how we interact with other people, other organisms and our environment. Why, for example, do we hold domesticated animals such as cats and dogs in higher esteem compared to wild animals like boars and wolves? Why do we feel the need to hold doors open for others or even be polite for that matter? Why do we swat insects but cringe at the idea of the mass culling of seals? Of course I am generalizing. I do not pretend to know exactly how every single human thinks, but I have confidence that I have the general idea.

It's like the game you might have played as a child. You would ask your parents a question and they would give you an answer. You then tack on the word "why" to their answer and the game continues until you're blue in the face or your parents lose their patience. I was trying to play this game, but I have chosen to stop at 1 or 2 whys. And now I am asking you to play the game with me. For anyone will notice that the answers we come to are not always the same.

So, when I played this game, I came up with something that scratched the surface of the first why. I like to call it my Theory of Relative Existence.

In my theory, all of our interactions occur between the Five Spheres of Existence. They are Mind, Human, Animal, Environment and Universe. There are probably an infinite number of spheres but I believe these five to be the most important. Everyday thoughts and actions all take place within these spheres, whether we realize it or not. Some people only recognize the existence of a few of these spheres but unknowingly act within all of them. These spheres are the basis for the justification of our actions and in turn, how we view the importance or relativity of these spheres will decide how we act in relation to anything in our world.

With an understanding of our place within each of these spheres, we can begin to peel back the layer of "why" that shrouds our lives. We must too understand that while our relationship with each sphere is of our choosing, there are factors that guide these choices. These factors can be hereditary, as in genes passing down traits from generation to generation. They are also found in our interactions with our parents and friends. Indeed, while our genes lay down a framework for how we will act and respond to the physical world, it is our interactions that will most heavily shape us. Furthermore, the application of science (deduction and reasoning) is necessary for developing and understanding our relationships with the spheres.

So let me take you into these spheres and try to explain my understanding of them.

First, we need a pivot. A central point for all the spheres to rotate around, and that is you. Essentially, the pivot is whoever is in control and at this time, it is you and I who are taking this journey. I would also like to explore the ideas of good and bad in the context of each sphere. So on we go!

The first of the five is the "Sphere of the Mind". As we are conscious beings, capable of thought and rationality, we must confront what makes us think. Different people have looked at various aspects of the mind in order to understand it (Jung, Freud) and modern science has allowed us a glimpse into the inner workings of our brains. Above all, we must appreciate the complexity of our mind and be aware that it can play tricks on us. The mind is where we can be alone to think and go over occurrences past, present and future. It is here where biological settings are hardwired into our brains from years of evolution and variation. Processes like "Fight or Flight" or "share or not share" can be found here and to truly understand why we do things, the mind is the most important sphere to decipher. Unfortunately, our brains are not yet fully understood and it would be foolish for me to try to explain what we do know. Here is where the ideas of good and bad share both biological and environmental foundations. Biological in the sense of evolution (eg: protect family, share food) and environmental in the sense of interactions with people (eg: greetings, etiquette). The mind is also where clashes occur between the two foundations; for example, the issue of sex. While our minds hold the stance that sex is good, normal and something that should be practiced, most societies regard sexual relations as a taboo and as something that should be kept in the shadows. An understanding of the mind is essential for realizing why we think in certain ways and in turn, why we interact with others the way we do.

Onto the next level, the Sphere of Human Interaction. This sphere contains any and all issues that arise when humans interact with each other. Love, work, school, sports, lifestyles, alcohol and drug use are just a few of what can be experienced. The position of women in society is another issue that is dealt with in this sphere, and since women were only recognized as "persons" in Canada around 1929, it is still a relevant topic today. In understanding this sphere, we must know that racism, sexism and any other bad "-isms" are judgmental actions and their reasoning unfounded. Equality and patience are needed here. A bit of advice courtesy of Jesus: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." He may not have been the first person to run with this idea, but he sure did his part to share it (putting aside the whole "Son of God" thing here). The issue of abortion also plays into this sphere. As the preservation of life (especially human life) is top priority for pretty much everyone, it is hard to come to a decision about abortion. Should the present life of the mother take precedence over the possible future life of the baby? Are grey areas (rape, incest) acceptable reasons for an abortion? My opinion is yes for both questions.  Good and Bad in the Human Sphere often follow empathy (identifying with the feelings and motives of another). How we relate to each other will alter our attitudes (and in turn societies') to certain ideas and practices. As we are the dominant species on this planet, and with no other life forms to "talk to" (yet), more people need to start rethinking the way they interact in this sphere. The shear amount of wars and violent disputes ought to suffice as evidence.

Continue to page 2

My Theory of Relative Existence Cont'd

The third level is the Sphere of Animal Interaction. This sphere contains the questions that I raised in the beginning about why we hold some animals in higher positions. For a lot of people, the question of whether an animal "feels" in the same way we feel is the criteria that they use to determine their relationship. When it comes to bugs, you will be hard pressed to find a handful of people who care for these critters compared to people who love dogs or cats. So do animals feel love, compassion, trust and sadness like we do? I would think the answer to be yes (mostly). These emotions are not just limited to the human race, and are actually found across a whole spectrum of our biosphere. This then begs the question "should animals be treated on an equal footing with humans?" There are some who think so (PETA) and some who don't (carnivores plus me). I do believe that the vast majority of zoos need to be closed down though. Zoos were great 100 years ago when a kid from some city (say New York) could go see a rhino or a camel with no hope of seeing one outside of paintings. But now with the internet, vibrant pictures and videos of pretty much every animal are available to the public. Zoos can serve a purpose as a breeding ground for endangered species, but if they do not appropriately mimic an animal's natural habitat (ie: large areas to roam) then they are only doing a disservice to the animals. In experiencing this sphere, a unique sense of empathy is obtained which may hold the answers to building a proper relationship with the animal world.

Next, we go onto the Sphere of the Environment. Sustainability is the key issue here. It is no secret that we are part of a biosphere that is based on give and take, and it is also not a secret that we have done a terrible job of finding our place in it. With overpopulation problems on our doorstep and the threat of climate change (whether or not it's human induced) looming, we must figure out what to do soon. This isn't one of those "oops, I'll just clean it up" issues. This is something that will take a lot of collaboration between countries and education in these matters will need to be a top priority. While many countries have declared wildlife refuges and protected areas, the need for regulating our emissions and energy consumption is paramount. Good and bad are identified in this realm in terms of necessity and survival. While we do need energy and food to survive, we do not need it at the current rate of consumption. Planet hopping in our universe is not an option at this time.

The fifth and final level is the Sphere of the Universe. This sphere takes a little longer to understand and appreciate. In this sphere, human life is insignificant. When someone dies, the universe does not even bat an eye. Life is just another phenomenon that happens. It is no more important (nor less) than geologic or Newtonian processes. It is a harsh way to put things, but this sphere is essential in understanding our place in the universe. It forces us to confront ideas like gods and intelligent design. I do not claim to know with 100% certainty that there is no god. I can only offer a "probably not" and leave the rest up to you.  As human life is insignificant in this sphere, technically murder is permissible. But, like I said, we live in all 5 spheres and a combination of them all is necessary in making decisions and living our lives responsibly. Let me be clear, I do not condone killing people. My experience in the second sphere has led me to appreciate all those who come into my life and I would never consider taking the life of someone else. Furthermore, anything we do cannot be classified as good or bad in this sphere, as such a classification does not exist in the universe. However, since the universe is made up of "stuff", the continued existence of this "stuff" may be constituted as good. You could argue that the universe exists without all this "stuff" (like a house can exist without a kitchen), but that is not for me to say.

So now our game of "why" has ended and you are aware (if you were not already) of the Five Spheres of Existence. I hope that you use their existence wisely and that you are aware that everyone is at different levels within each of these spheres. The key to this game is to know that everyone is right (in the same way that everyone is wrong) and that your lives should be lived with this knowledge. I hope my explanation of these spheres was adequate and if it was not, feel free to leave a comment.

To end, I would like to share something the comic George Carlin once said:

"Personally, when it comes to rights, I think one of two things is true. It think either we have unlimited rights, or we have no rights at all. Personally I lean towards the unlimited rights, I feel for instance I have the right to do anything I please, BUT! If I do something you don't like I think you have the right to kill me. So where are you gonna find a fairer fucking deal than that? So the next time some asshole says to you "I have the right to my opinion." You say, "oh yeah? Well I have the right to my opinion and my opinion is you have no right to your opinion!" then shoot the fuck and walk away!"

Direct, but to the point.

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Monday, July 26, 2010

Get to Know a God: Loki

A trip to Valhalla is in store for us today. I would like to share with you what has to be the most mischievous god that I have ever heard of. Of course he would be part of Norse mythology, where drinking, violence and trickery reign supreme. I speak of Loki, shape-shifter and shit disturber debonair.

How crazy is this guy? Well let me paint you a picture. Loki is the guy who is disliked by every other Norse god. He likes to hang around with the jötunn (giants) and is always playing tricks on the other gods. Upon finding out that the other gods (who are at a feast) have nothing nice to say about him, Loki decides to go to the feast to spur quarreling among the gods and "mix their mead with malice". He is the guy no one likes, but surprisingly, Loki is often looked to for help by the others.

An example of this being in the poem Þrymskviða, where Thor (the Thunder god) discovers that his mighty hammer Mjöllnir is missing. He enlists Loki, who flies off to search for it. He discovers that a jötunn named Þrymr has hidden it eight leagues under the earth and that he is willing to give it back in return for the goddess Freyja as his wife. Understandably, Freyja angrily refuses. It is then planned that Thor will dress up in woman's clothes and pretend to be Freyja. The plan goes off without a hitch, ending with Thor killing Þrymr.

Loki also left behind his fair share of kids. With his wife Sigyn, he has a son named Nari. Loki also hooks up with a female jötunn called Angrboða, resulting in the wolf Fenrir, the serpent Jörmungandr and the female Hel. He also mates with the stallion Svaðilfari, giving birth to the eight legged horse Sleipnir—"the best horse among gods and men". Yep, that's right. This guy slept with a giant and a stallion, producing strange, offbeat offspring. Someone was high when they came up with this....

So how does the story of Loki end? Well, he is caught by the gods and tied to a cliff with the entrails of his son Nari. A venomous snake was fastened above Loki's face, dripping poison onto him. His wife, Sigyn (surprising how she is still with him...) holds a basin to a catch the venom and when it is full, she carries it away. During the time when the basin is gone, the poison drips onto Loki causing him to thrash violently and subsequently cause earthquakes (volcanic eruptions must have been taken).

However, it does not stop there. There is the story of Ragnarok (a future event), where Loki escapes his prison and joins the jötunn in their war against the gods. Thor, Odin, Loki and most of the other gods are killed, resulting in the earth being swallowed by water. The earth is then reborn, with two humans repopulating the world.

And that is the story of Loki: One Bad Ass Motherfucker!!

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Monday, July 19, 2010

Puddle Thinking

I am back! After a long period of nothingness, I have resurfaced to bring you my first Picture Blog! I have chosen the subject of "Puddle Thinking" as I have always found it a "cop out" of sorts. For those who don't know, Puddle Thinking deals with the idea that the earth was made for us. I could elaborate more, but I think I'll just let you watch my movie. Enjoy!

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Imagine a puddle waking up one morning and thinking, “This is an interesting world I find myself in, an interesting hole I find myself in, fits me rather neatly, doesn’t it? In fact it fits me staggeringly well, must have been made to have me in it!”

This is such a powerful idea that as the sun rises in the sky and the air heats up and as, gradually, the puddle gets smaller and smaller, it’s still frantically hanging on to the notion that everything’s going to be alright, because this world was meant to have him in it, was built to have him in it; so the moment he disappears catches him rather by surprise. I think this may be something we need to be on the watch out for.
- Douglas Adams

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Messenger is your Wing Man

So I was having a conversation with a friend over Windows Messenger (MSN) when I saw this!

Guys, MSN wants to help you out with the ladies :P

Not only are they offering tips, but it comes with a video!  Dude!  Nice one Microsoft!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Get to Know a Mineral: Garnet

So for this episode in Geology, I thought I would check out Garnet. Partly because it is one of the minerals that is abundant in the project I am currently part of.

Garnets have been used as gemstones and abrasives, and their utilization has been dated back to 5000 years ago. They occur in a variety of colours, including red, green, blue, purple and black. While the range of colours no doubt captivated all who set their eyes on one, the red coloured garnet seems to have had the most effect on its owners. The word garnet may find its origin in the English word "gernet" meaning dark red or in the Latin "granatus", which translates into "grain" (possibly an allusion to the red seeds of the pomegranate plant).

Garnets are a key mineral in understanding the origins of many igneous and metamorphic rocks due to their slow diffusion of elements and their resistance to alteration. From this, the growth history of the encasing rocks can be determined. The metamorphic facies of rocks is another item that can defined using garnets.

The general chemical formula for garnet is X3Y2(SiO4)3 and its luster is said to be vitreous or resinous. The largest single crystal of garnet found was documented to be 2.3 meters in width and weighing 37.5 tons!

As far back as the Medieval age, garnets were thought to cure depression, alleviate liver diseases and protect against evil dreams. The use of Garnets can also be found in ancient stories and religious texts. Noah supposedly used a glowing garnet to light up the ark during the wet days and nights. Also, the blood red garnet was considered a symbol of Christ's sacrifice and the Qur'an tells us that the garnet illuminates the Fourth Heaven of the Muslims.

Garnet is also considered a gift of love and is symbolic of a quick reunion of separated lovers. Nowadays, garnet is used as an abrasive in place of sand. When mixed with high pressure water, it can be used to cut steel. It has also found itself on the list of birthstones, taking the month of January.

Crystal System: Cubic
Crystal Habit: Rhombic Dodecahedra or Cubic
Cleavage: None
Streak: White
Hardness: 6.0-7.5

Also Get to Know:


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Role of Religion

And now to address a subject that was one of the founding reasons of my blog: religion. Religion (or sub-classes such as spirituality or superstition) has arguably been a part of human culture and growth since the early days of our species. It's influence and preservation can be found all over the world, from the cave paintings of ancient North Americans to the Indian caste system to the countless wars that have been waged in a god's name. The purpose of this posting is not to judge religion as good or evil (as such judgments are purely subjective and absolute good/evil surely does not exist) but to discuss its possible origins and whether or not it has a place in a world dominated by science and reason.

The word religion is really just a blanket term for a number of different items. Among these items are superstition, faith and social gathering. It is the combination of these items that form our modern idea of religion.

It can be said that the core purpose of religion is to explain phenomena at a time when an explanation is not readily available, such as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Early humans attributed such events to the emotions of gods and reasoned that human sacrifice would appease them. We now understand the inner workings of our dynamic earth (albeit there is still much more to discover) and thankfully human sacrifices are no longer permitted. From this reasoning, I think it would be safe to say superstition was the "science" of ancient people. The difference between our modern science and their ancient science is simply guesswork and good storytelling. Science of today relies on reproduction of events and peer reviewing to hammer out the truth from our physical world. It also helps that we have high tech gizmos and an understanding of the microscopic world. Superstition held its place in the ancient world simply because no one knew any better. They did not have the resources to discover the truth about their world. We must also be aware of the lifestyle of ancient humans. They passed down information and stories by word of mouth and committing events to memory. In order for the new generation to learn of these stories, they would have to have incredible trust in their parents and their elders. Ignoring your elders and going against their will has extreme consequences as explained in Deuteronomy 21.18-22 "Suppose a man has a son who is stubborn and rebellious...Then the men of the city are to stone him to death..." It is this trust that has eventually brought us to where we are today with religion. The stories we are presented with in the holy books are works passed down from ancient people who knew very little about the world they lived in. Yet, for billions of people, this simple fact holds no weight and they are content with believing. To them, it all comes down to faith.

It is my humble opinion that faith can and should be taken as piece of information is. When someone receives some information, they are skeptical of its truth. It is only when they are given proof that the information they hold is true that they accept it. But with faith and religion, people take the "information" and accept it as truth without a second thought or a pause to gather evidence. I will give you an example of this, and yes it comes from the U.S. bible belt. Biology teachers are having a hard time reaching many of their christian students with the idea of evolution. Not because the students are finding holes in this theory but because it contradicts the story of creation in Genesis. Their struggle is a hard one and ends in failure for many teachers as these kids believe very strongly in their religion. Unwavering belief is a quality held in high esteem by many people, but I am not one of them. We should have the humility and the patience to critically review everything we know and to give up on beliefs that fall victim to reasoning.

Having faith in friends and family, and the hope for better days is something completely different than religious faith. Religious faith is blind, it does not rely on physical evidence. It relies instead on how much stock you put on your ancestors being right. And I'm not talking about your parents or grandparents, I'm talking about generations hundreds and thousands of years ago. Back in the days of ancient Egypt, Rome, Greece, and even further back in the days of cave men. While I have tremendous respect for my parents and grandparents, I do not know their ancestors. I do not know who they were and how they came to believe what they believed. For many people, if they could trace their family history back to the times of Rome and the time of the Prophet Mohamed, they would find that their belief in their current religion may have been forced upon them by invading armies. Fast forward to the time of Henry VIII in his conflict with the Catholic Church and his introduction of Protestantism to England and Ireland to see the same events unfolding. The evidence is staring us in the face, we just have to look up and see it.

Finally, as we are social creatures, dependent on others for love and comfort, it is easily understood how social gatherings play a role in religion. With the support of a friend, our confidence is bolstered and we can be driven to achieve great things. With the support of an entire community and in the case of Christianity, 2 Billion followers, it is easy for someone to become so confident in the truth of the matter in question that they get distracted by the numbers. Indeed, being in the majority can cloud judgment and in many cases of old and some of the present, can lead to wars. I do not have to remind you of the Nazi attack on the Jews or the Rwandan genocide. We think the minority is crazy, until we find ourselves part of the minority and quite sane. Generally speaking of course. Religion has played on the success of social gathering to expand its influence in the daily lives of its followers. Issues such as abortion and gay marriage usually flag opposition from the religious who wish to "take back their country" and preserve their god-given nation. Banding together for a common cause is nothing to be laughed at or chided. It has helped the poor and oppressed recover from their dire conditions and more recently has helped unionize workers in order to create safe working conditions and maintain proper wages. But there is a difference in being part of a crowd that makes the world a better place and being in a mob who unwittingly cause pain to those they rally against.

So now that we live in the "modern" world, equipped with science, education and a somewhat peaceful environment, should religion still be allowed to position our moral compass, influence laws and be the justification for wars. I've already made up my mind, I would urge you to do the same. Religion is a complicated subject to discuss and just one post cannot attempt to sway minds or justifiably establish a reason for belief or unbelief. I hope to continue to discuss matters like this with you in the future. To all my Christian friends and readers I leave a saying of mine for you to ponder. It would not be hard for my friends and readers of different belief systems to insert their holy book and god into it.

The bible does not prove that God exists. The bible proves that man says God exists.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Ultimate Environmentalist: Giving Back

Welcome to the fourth and final edition of Ultimate Environmentalist! My past articles have touched upon Recycling, Smart Consumption and Activism. This final article is more about what you can do as a human (biologically) to help create a sustainable earth.

These suggestions comprise a short list but together they represent a great shift in thinking and understanding about how our species impacts the planet.
The ever increasing human population threatens to tumble the natural balance of give and take with the earth, and there are ways to fix this. Human life is also very valuable and with the help of modern medicine and technology we can prolong our lives and the lives of others.

1. Organ Donation - I like to call this Ultimate Recycling. There are many many people on lists waiting for an organ that can be transplanted into them. This is a pretty serious subject to talk about. Now, I don't want to promote a future like the ones envisioned in Repo Men, because that would be pretty screwed up. But I would like you to consider signing up for the option of organ donation if you die in an accident of some sort. In Ontario, organ donation is recorded on our Health Cards, so paramedics can know quickly what to do in an accident.

2. Give Blood/Plasma - The prospect of having needles stuck in you and sucking out a sizable proportion of your blood doesn't seem all to pleasing but it is very important to consider this. Like Jackie Chan said "Blood, it's in you to give". Look up the nearest Blood donation center in your town and get tested. You may be a great candidate to give the gift of life.

3. Use Birth Control/Contraceptives - Using these items is essential in lowering the population of our species on earth. Not only do you get to have sex without the prospect of having annoying kids, but you can feel proud about being earth friendly :P Using condoms and The Pill are great ways to achieve this.

4. Adopt a Child - When it comes to make the decision about raising a family, think about adoption. There are many children out there that are without parents and are being tossed around in Foster homes. Take this chance to offer a kid a safe home and caring parents. You can also have your own kids through natural birth, but keep in mind that it is possible to decrease our species population through adoption. Reduce the human population, reduce consumption.

5. Cremation - At the end of your life, you will be struck with a decision about what to do with your body. For generations, people have opted for burials in cemeteries. Cremation is not a new concept and it is an interesting one. By being cremated, you decrease the amount of space that would be needed for your burial and make it easier for the nutrients locked in your ashes to be distributed back into nature.

Controlling our population and caring for one another is essential in creating a sustainable planet. I have led you through recycling, smart consumption and activism. Now, it is your choice to do something. Even taking a couple of suggestions from each article would have a great impact on this earth, our communities and you as a person. We are all faced with tough decisions and no one but us can make them. Join with me in protecting our planet for future generations, before we lose the ability to do so.

Part 1: Recycling
Part 2: Smart Consumption
Part 3: Activism
Part 4: Giving Back

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ultimate Environmentalist: Activism

Sometimes it takes large and unsettling events to take place before people are moved into acting. But this is exactly what has to be done if we want to have any hope of living in a sustainable world and not screwing it up more than we already have. I don't mean to say every Thursday we go out and organize a large riot or protest in support of Environmental responsibility, but I would like to see a greater interest in showing our concern.

So that brings us to my third of four articles on Ultimate Environmentalism! As I had mentioned, being environmentally conscious can fall into 4 Categories: Recycling, Smart Consumption, Activism and Giving Back. The subject today being Activism.

While the word activism seems to imply staging mass protests and hunger strikes, this is not what I am suggesting. The best activism an individual can do is to simply channel their efforts into small, meaningful projects of their own or of a groups. All it takes is a little research, some elbow grease and determination.

Here are a few suggestions:

1. Start a Cleanup - Think Local. The best place to start is where you live. Start small and then expand. There are rivers, roads and parks to be kept up and there is always litter flying around. Clean up your local community and you will find a sense of pride unknown to you before. Also, as a group, you can be responsible for a section of highway or road near your town. Simply call up your local government for the deets.

2. Plant a Vegetable Garden - This really only works for a short time of the year for people living in a Northern Community where winter leaves its mark on 6 months of the year. But it is a viable proposal that provides a cheap food source and some outside fun. At the same time, start thinking about a compost pile in your back yard too.

3. Take Public Transportation - Or Carpool. Buses and taxis are out there for us to use and sometimes they are worth it. My university is only down the road from me so I can easily take the bus. It also doesn't hurt that we get a bus pass along with our tuition. When going to a friends house or the out on the town, try to fit all your friends into 1 or 2 cars. You will find that you can reduce the amount of gas you use and increase your cash reserves at the same time :)

4. Spring Cleaning - Every year I go through my old clothes and items, wondering why I ever wore such haggard things and bought such useless objects. Aside from throwing out broken things, I donate still good clothes and items to organizations like the Salvation Army and the Thrift Store. This gives your stuff a second life and gives someone else a second chance.

5. Buy an Electric Vehicle - If you can afford it. They don't come cheap, but they are a great way to curb our carbon emissions and pave the way for a cleaner future. Plus some of them look so cool!

6. Education - The best thing you can do is to educate yourself on the science of Climate Change and support Environmental legislation from the government. Sure, there is a lot of controversy around climate change and what is causing it, but if you don't know both sides to the story then you are not as well informed as you should be.

7. Buy from Companies with Good Environmental Records - This one takes a little research on your part. Try looking online for some profiles of major companies and think twice before you use your money to buy their products. As the saying goes, "Vote with your Wallet". Check out Responsible Shopper, a website dedicated to helping you out with this.

8. Install Solar Panels - Again, only if you can afford them. Solar panels have come along way since they first lit up a solar calculator but they still have a long way to go before they can become cost effective. The panels we have now are not as efficient as we would like them to be, but efforts are underway to change that. Installing solar panels would be a nice step for you to take to tell the world that you care.

9. Walk/Bike - Probably the simplest type of activism you can do is to leave your car at home. Ride the bike path to work or take a jog around the Marina. Not only will you get some great exercise but you will also get people's attention. A little inspiration is all that is needed for people to change their lifestyle and you can provide it.

Activism is not just for large crowds and rowdy citizens. It is also for individuals who want to make a difference and who are willing to act. Take part in rallies and group meetings but remember that it all starts when you decide that speaking up is worth your time. Hopefully you can take away something from this article. Implementing at least two or three of these suggestions is a great start to making this world a better place.

Next time on Dragons Make Igneous Rocks, Ultimate Environmentalism: Giving Back!

Part 1: Recycling
Part 2: Smart Consumption
Part 3: Activism
Part 4: Giving Back

Monday, May 17, 2010

Get to Know a Mineral: Cummingtonite

As I am studying geology, I felt it would be nice to introduce some of the rocks and minerals that I look at in my studies. So let me introduce you to the world of geology!

To begin, a mineral must meet 5 criteria in order for it to be as such.
1. Occurs naturally
2. Solid
3. Formed by inorganic processes
4. A characteristic chemical composition
5. A crystal structure

A rock, on the other hand, is simply an aggregate of minerals. Rocks can be made up of many minerals or in some cases, just one.

The first mineral I would like you to get acquainted with is Cummingtonite. Go ahead, laugh..................................................now that you`re finished laughing, lets get to it.

Cummingtonite is a metamorphic amphibole with the chemical formula (Mg,Fe)7Si8O22(OH)2.
It was first described in 1824 near the town of Cummington, Massachusetts (hence the name). It is also found in Scotland, South Africa and Sweden.

Cummingtonite is commonly seen in metamorphosed magnesium rich rocks, but is also known to occur in some felsic igneous rocks like dacites. It can also be found in the iron formations of the Lake Superior region.

For all the geologists out there, here is a list of Cummingtonite`s properties:
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Crystal Habit: Fibrous, lamellar and radiated
Cleavage: Perfect {110}
Streak: White
Optic Sign: Biaxial (+)
Extinction: Inclined
2V: 65°- 98°

Also Get to Know:


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Ultimate Environmentalist: Smart Consumption

Now for the second of four installments on being environmentally friendly. As I mentioned before, being environmentally conscious can fall into 4 Categories: Recycling, Smart Consumption, Activism and Giving Back.

Last time I wrote about recycling and the role it plays in our daily lives. I would now like to turn your attention to the idea of Smart Consumption. It's a relatively simple idea, use less energy and products. I know many of you already employ this idea in your everyday lives, but I thought I may as well compile a list of ways to increase the effectiveness of your approach.

Smart Consumption can be divided into 2 categories: What you Buy and How you Use it.

The first category is all about knowing what you are buying. Whether the item at hand is efficient, reusable, practical or useful. Here is a list of suggestions:

1. Reusable Containers - Items like Tupperware, lunch boxes or refillable bottles are great for keeping waste like plastic and paper bags out of landfills. A little upkeep is all that is needed to maintain these items and you may find that there is a small financial gain from using these products.

2. Buy Local Products - This one is a no brainer. The transportation of goods across large amounts of land creates tons of emissions and these are not helping the health of our planet. Plus, buying locally injects money into the local community, something that is of need during the present economic downturn. Many cities have already spearheaded events to promote local shopping and many city websites include the names and locations of such shops.

3. Library Books - The idea is to borrow books instead of buying them. Now, I know that it is nice to own your books to put on your shelves as a reminder that you have read them. But think of all the paper that could be saved if a majority of people stopped buying books and simply started taking them out from the library. Also, with the dawn of items like the Kindle or the iPad, ebooks will start to take form. E books are an interesting avenue to pursue for the reduction of paper use and to increase reading rates across developed countries. It is a little known fact that library's have free ebooks to give away. Check out the Thunder Bay Public Library for some of these!

4. Electronics - It is important for our society to progress technologically, but that doesn't have to mean that you go out and buy the next biggest gadget as soon as it arrives! E waste is a big problem and will only grow as our dependency on technology increases. The world reserves for many of the metals used to create these items only have lives of around 100 years. So after then, we are doomed if another source isn't found. The best way to approach this is to simply cut down our spending. Do you really need that new iPad? You know they are only gonna release an updated version of it close to Christmas and then one shortly the next year. Think before you buy.

5. Textbooks - Here is a simple task, buy used textbooks! Not only do you save money, but you reduce the amount of paper used. And then when you are all finished, go ahead and resell them.

6. Thrift Store - Now, I'm not saying to make your entire wardrobe thrift clothing, but I am asking you to take a look and see if you like what you see. Anyways, thrift stores are great for finding costumes for Halloween and parties :)

7. Fix Things - Instead of going out and buying a new chair or other miscellaneous item, go ahead and try to fix it. Or get someone else to fix it. This reduces the consumption of products and extends the life of the ones you already own.

8. Unsubscribe from Flyers/Newspapers - A lot of the flyers we get are unnecessary and wasteful. Simply call up your provider and ask to be removed of the mailing list. In the case of newspapers, that poor dying industry, they can be found online. Like Thunder Bay's The Chronicle Journal.

9. Bring your own Coffee Mug - From my past work at McDonalds, I have had customers come up to me with their own coffee cups and ask me to fill them up and charge them for a corresponding size. I don't know if other restaurants like Tim Hortons do this, or if I was even allowed to do this :P but it is a good idea. The Study at Lakehead University offers discounts on coffee purchased with your own mug.

10. Light Bulbs - Probably the easiest form of smart consumption is to buy CFLor LED light bulbs. These are far more efficient than incandescent light bulbs, which are scheduled to be phased out by 2014 in the States and 2012 in Canada.

11. Use Less at Restaurants - This is for places like McDonalds. When going to the condiment stand, simply take what you need and no more. Don't take 50 napkins, multiple straws for spit balling or tons of ketchup or mayo packets that you are only gonna spread over your tray liner.

That is it for the purchasing side, now for the using part of things.

1. Conserve Energy - A simple task to do is to turn off electronics like your TVs and video game consoles when not using them. Also, around 17% of your energy bill is due to Phantom Energy, energy that is used by items plugged in and still sucking power from the grid. Unplug devices like your computers and hairdryer to avoid this.

2. Water Conservation - Living in Canada, we do not have to worry about fresh water shortages like many parts of the world. This doesn't mean that we shouldn't do our part though. Taking shorter showers and turning the tap off while brushing your teeth are easy ways to conserve water. An interesting approach is to purchase a rain barrel to collect rainwater. You can then use this to water your plants and garden instead of the hose.

3. Turn down the Thermostat - Of course you must be comfortable in your home, but lowering the temperature of your thermostat can go a long way in reducing power consumption. Try wearing a sweater or a blanket next time.

4. Online Banking and Billing - The Internet has opened many doors of ease and efficiency and this is one of them. Instead of getting paper forms and invoices, simply fill them out or pay them over the Internet.

5. Be Mindful of Peak Hours - Try to find out what time of the day has the most occurrence of energy consumption. Energy companies usually charge more for this time slot, so by moving your laundry cleaning to a different time, you may be able to save some money. Also, your move may decrease the pressure on the energy grid felt at Peak times.

6. Plastic Bags - Plastic bags are an annoyance for environmentalists. They take a long time to breakdown and clog up our landfills. So you can do your part by using reusable shopping bags found almost everywhere now.

In order for our planet and our species to survive, we must usher in a new era of technology and understanding to aid us in preserving what "green" we have left and to manage our existing energy supplies effectively.

Hopefully you found this article to be informative and helpful. I will continue next time with my next installment of Ultimate Environmentalist: Activism.

Part 1: Recycling
Part 2: Smart Consumption
Part 3: Activism
Part 4: Giving Back

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Get to Know a God: Amaterasu

Welcome to the first of many installations of Get to Know a God! We all know the stories of Yahweh, Allah, Buddha and some of the more popular figures, so I thought it would be fitting to do some digging for gods that we are not so familiar with. This way it can be seen that humanity has dreamt up a lot of crazy things over our many years of existence and that a lot of what we still have today, showcased in religion and spirituality, are simply stories and myths that have survived the ravages of time.

The first one on the docket is Amaterasu, a Japanese sun goddess who was born from the left eye of the primeval being Izanagi. She is given the title of The Ruler of the Plane of Heaven and is one of the principal Shinto deities.

Amaterasu is said to be directly linked to the Imperial Household of Japan and the Emperor.

The worship of Amaterasu to the exclusion of other Kami (spirits) has caused the following to be dubbed "the Cult of the Sun".

To learn more about Amaterasu`s story, please visit this lovely page.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ultimate Environmentalist!

Green is everywhere these days. From electronics to household cleaners, everyone is trying to influence the way you act and what you buy by uttering this simple word. The problem is that the more "green" is used to describe everyday items and activities, the faster it loses its true meaning and becomes just another advertising ploy.

The truth is that being green is relatively easy, you just have to think about it and then implement your thoughts. Luckily, I've thought of "Green" actions so you don't have to :P
The way I see it, being environmentally conscious can fall into 4 Categories: Recycling, Smart Consumption, Activism and Giving Back. I shall begin with recycling.

Recycling, at this time, is probably our best chance at conserving materials and keeping harmful products out of landfills and the natural environment. This process hinges on a country's willingness to pay for recycling plants and their operations, as the process is not cost effective. It costs more to recycle materials than to mine or create the same material, brand spanking new!

In most parts of the world, there is no incentive for people to recycle besides the obvious "it saves our planet" reason. For example, in Quebec people can recycle their pop cans and get some money back for doing it. This is surely a way to increase the rate of recycling and provides do-gooders with some nice pocket change.

Another setback for recycling is the lack of availability or access to depot. In some towns, a recycling plant may not be near so their waste is sent straight to a landfill. In other towns, a plant may be nearby but it may not be able to recycle specific materials. For example, in Thunder Bay(the town I live in) our recycling plant is not able
to recycle a few of the types of plastics found in bottles and containers. Depots for recycling material like electronics and batteries can be hard to come by and the effort of storing them at home causes many owners to simply discard these items.

The list of materials that can be recycled continues to grow all the time. But I thought I would list some of the major players so that you may have a better idea of what you can do:

1.Paper - Everyone uses paper for something so it is essential to recycle this material. I would recommend something I like to call "Giving Paper a Second Life". This is to simply use it as scrap paper for anything you need to do like doodling or math homework calculations :P Then give it a third life by sending it to the recycling plant.

2. Plastic Drinking Bottles - More or less, plastic water bottles are a big scam. All it is is bottled tap water sold to you at a crazy high markup. Also, oil is used in the creation of these bottles, causing us to further rely on fossil fuels. I recommend buying a reusable drinking bottle and filling it up with tap water. The chemical BPA has been phased out of these bottles, so they should no longer be hazardous to your health. If you are a fan of the flavoured water, why not just add flavouring of your own to the water in your reusable bottle. Please take note that the caps on the these bottles are often non-recyclable and it is better if you simply take them off and throw them away.

3. Cans - My first recommendation would be to cut down on your consumption of pop :) Think Healthy, be Happy. Recycle your pop cans after your finished. I believe that Beer Stores will take your beer cans for 10c/can so there's some incentive for ya!

4. Beer Bottles - It's a common occurrence to see long lines at the Beer Store of people returning their empties from the night before, so keep up the good work! And if you didn't know this,now you do.

5. Creative Construction - I will admit I have not tried this but it is quite an interesting idea. Instead of throwing things out that can not be recycled, why not use them to create something cool and interesting! For example, this CD lamp;

6. Sand/Dirt from the Winter Snow - This one may sound strange, but just go with me here. During the winter, I put sand on my driveway to make sure I don't slip. When the snow melts, it is left there. I know we have no shortage of sand or dirt but simply sweeping it up and storing it in a box for next winter is a good way to keep your street clean and to save a little money.

7. Electronics, Batteries and Ink Cartridges - I have included all 3 in this one as they all have the depot problem. Finding a place to recycle these items can be tough, but it is important you do. Electronics contain rare metals that are expensive to mine and simply recycling them will help. Batteries leak acid, so it is obvious why they must be disposed of safely. Ink cartridges are expensive, so why don't you try refilling them first. Then when they are past their usefulness, find a depot.
I have tried to come up with some ways recycling can be done and I hope you find my list helpful. My last recommendation would be to set up a "depot" of sorts in your house for your own to-be-recycled items. Glass, plastic, paper and the other items I have mentioned can be stored quite easily in containers and having these at your house increases the likelihood of you recycling.

So remember those 3 R's: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!

Come back and visit next time for Ultimate Environmentalist: Smart Consumption.

Part 1: Recycling
Part 2: Smart Consumption
Part 3: Activism
Part 4: Giving Back

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Back, and I'm in the Bush!

Heyo! Well a lot has happened in the world since I last posted something. America has experienced a failed bomb attack in NYC, Louisiana is flooded, the Gulf is experiencing a an unprecedented oil spill and 2 days ago the DOW plunged almost 1000 points. While here in Canada all we have to talk about are the scandals coming out of Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Government. Oh and Britain had an election, which has probably gone to the Tories.

And I am now done exams (the reason for no recent posts) and I am now working at an Exploration Bush Camp for the summer. 5 and a half hours away from my town and everyone I know. Yay for me :P

I will try to post a new segment every few days, but we'll see how that goes. I'm just glad I have satellite TV and internet.

Hope everything is well with anyone who reads this post and have a good summer!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Don't Flash and Drive!

"Flash at your on risk" is something these girls should have taken to heart :p Let this be a lesson to all you young girls out there, when a car full of horny, possibly Irish lads pulls up besides you and start hollering at ya, simply ask them "have you let Jesus into your life yet?" and they'll leave you alone!

Without further adieu, here is Don't Flash and Drive!

Dont Flash and Drive - Watch more Funny Videos

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Are You Mad?

Are you currently pissed? Are you tired of being pushed around? Sick of being told what to do and what to expect in life? Then this video is for you!!

It doesn't matter if it's the government, your parents, your dick boyfriend or your controlling girlfriend. It could even be you via the inner conflict so many of us experience when trying to be something more.

So put your angry face on and prepare to get mad!!

Mad As Hell! Kinetic Typography

I'm not going to go into any detail about the video and where its from but you can look at this handy dandy wikipedia link. I feel even though it was made years ago, it still holds true for today. Especially with the recession the world is going through.

Now, if you were struck by the intensity of this video and feel like it resonates with some part of your life, go fucking do something about it!! I know I need to, and if any of you are like me then we have to do something! Let this serve as a wake up call for ourselves and for our society.

**Disclaimer** Don't do something stupid. Channel your anger appropriately and without violence.

That being said...GET UP AND GET MAD!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Yes We Can!

They passed it! Finally, after 50 plus years of leaders trying to enact it, crowds of rabid tea-baggers trying to derail it, an obstructionist Republican party trying to "kill it", President Barack Obama has passed Health Care Reform!

Late Sunday night, the House of Representatives under the guidance of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, passed the senate health bill by a vote of 219:212. This enormous victory for President Obama and the Democrats will bring reform to the insurance industries and health coverage to about 30 million uninsured Americans.

While this was not a perfect bill, and no where close to the Universal Health Care we have here in Canada, it is a step in the right direction.

Included in this bill:
- Children with pre-existing conditions cannot be denied coverage
- annual caps for health care are abolished
- Medicaid Donut Hole filled in (Seniors recieve an extra $250 a year to help cover costs)
- insurance industries must spend 80%-85% of the money they take in on Health Care
- Youths who are dependent on their parents can stay on their parents Health Insurance till the age of 26
- Makes all Americans buy health insurance; if you cannot afford it, the government will help by subsidizing your costs
- in 2014, no one with a pre-existing condition is to be denied
- in 2014, all caps are to abolished

The CBO (Congressional Budget Office) tags the bill at a cost of $940 billion over 10 years. They also say that the measures included will decrease the deficit by $138 billion in the first 10 years and then by $1.2 trillion in the next 10 years.

The cost of the bill is said to be paid by erasing the fraud found in medicare and medicaid and from tax increases to the wealthy.

The battle over health care put a lot of diverse groups into the ring. First, there are the republicans who actually took themselves out of the ring and have withheld all votes from this bill. No republican voted in the house and it looks like no republican will vote for it in the Senate. Then there were the conservative democrats who wanted assurances that the bill would not provide federal funding for abortions. They fought for this, even though the bill does not at all provide federal funding for abortion. Well, they stood their ground and Obama compromised, signing an executive order stating that the federal government will not fund abortions.

Then there were the Progressives. They wanted a public option, something very much like what we have here in Canada. But there was not enough support among members for the public option and it was tossed to the side. Well, progressive members of the House, specifically Dennis Kucinich, didn't like this and held out against the president. He came around a few days before the vote and helped democrats pass the bill.

The passed Health bill changes (passed by the House after they passed the Senate bill) is now being debated in the Senate and will hopefully be passed by this weekend.

While it is unfortunate that the bill does not go further in Health reforms, such as the public option, this is a good start. America needs people fighting for its future. President Obama and the Democrats, in my opinion, are the right people for the job and all democrat seats in the House and the Senate must be preserved for them to succeed in turning their country around.

Americans, vote them all in, in November. The midterm elections will be very important in securing a positive future for America.

If you would like to get involved I would seriously recommend the Coffee Party. They are a viable alternative to the disgusting Tea Party and by the time November rolls around, they may be the grass roots support Obama needs to secure his agenda.

And for your entertainment, I present "Yes We Can ft. John Boehner". It's pretty good, especially Rep. Boehner's part. I should know, I watched the voting process Sunday night and found it quite funny and disturbing.

Let's ditch the Republican "Party of No" and get the Democrat Party of Yes!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Kick Ass Maraday Park!

Hey so a group of my friends play in a band here in Thunder Bay. The name of their band is Maraday Park and they have brought pop to a city that needs it.

Their shows are highlighted by epic stage presence, stellar light shows and a sick synthesizer. The members of Maraday Park are a tight group of friends, and family members (in the case of 3 of them).

They have emerged over the past couple of years to take part in local fundraisers, band competitions and open for April Wine.

They are also taking part in a Battle of the Bands Competition for a chance to play on the Vans Warped Tour this summer. So help them out and VOTE to get them on the tour!

Sam Migliazza: Lead vocals
Kevin Enstrom: Guitar
AJ Astle: Bass
Jordan Migliazza: Synth / Keyboards
Matt Simko: Drums
Matt Migliazza: Guitar

Check out their myspace and facebook pages to get acquainted with their amazing music. And if you like what you hear, support them even more and buy their CD from ebay: CD Page 1 and CD Page 2.

Also, here for your entertainment is their recent video blog:

MP Blog 1

Maraday Park-- VOTE FOR US TO PLAY WARPED 2010! | MySpace Music Videos

If you want to see more of them (and a Lady Gaga Pokerface cover) check out their youtube page and this video:

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Leading Minds and the Way They Thought

So I have noticed one point that comes up in most of my conversations with religious believers. We tend to come upon the religious beliefs of past and present leaders and scientists. The person I am talking to usually asks "well if religion was good enough for them, why not for us". There are many ways I (or anyone else) can answer this question, but it usually ends up with that "branch" of the conversation closing and moving onto something else.

So, I have decided to compile a small list of famous figures and their thoughts on life and faith. My choices are those that have just come of the top of my head and I am sure that I have missed many well deserving people when writing this. The format of the list will go as follows:

Occupation/Accomplishments (O/A)
Position on Faith (F)
Life Fact (LF)
Quote (Q)


(BD)384 BC – 322 BC

(O/A)A Greek philosopher, student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great. His writings cover many subjects, including physics, poetry, theater, music, logic, rhetoric, politics, government, ethics, biology, and zoology.

(F)Surrounded by the Greek mythology of Gods and Goddesses, Aristotle saw the existence of one God who acted as the “mover” with humans as his pawns.

(LF)Aristotle believed that women are colder than men and thus a lower form of life (not completely human). Although, he gave equal weight to women's happiness as he did to men's, stating that a society cannot be happy unless women are happy too.

(Q)“All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsions, habit, reason, passion, desire.”

Nicolaus Copernicus

(BD)1473 - 1543

(O/A)Was a Polish mathematician, astronomer, physician, scholar, translator, cleric, military leader and economist.

He was the first astronomer to develop a thorough heliocentric cosmology, displacing the Earth from the center of the universe.

Copernicus' book, De revolutionibus orbium coelestium(On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres), is often viewed as the starting point of modern astronomy and the beginning of the scientific revolution.

(F)A catholic who did not view his heliocentric model as a threat to his faith.

(LF)Copernicus spoke Latin, Polish, and German with great fluency. He also spoke Greek and Italian.

(Q)“The massive bulk of the earth does indeed shrink to insignificance in comparison with the size of the heavens.”

Galileo Galilei


(O/A)An Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher. His achievements include improvements to the telescope, the confirmation of the phases of Venus and the observation and analysis of sunspots. Galileo has been called "the Father of Modern Science."

Galileo's support of Copernicanism was controversial within his lifetime, as the majority of philosophers and astronomers dealt in the geocentric view (Earth at the center of the universe). He met with bitter opposition when promoting the heliocentric view (Sun at the center of the universe).

He was denounced to the Roman Inquisition in 1615, but was cleared of any offence at that time. However, the Catholic Church proclaimed heliocentrism to be "false and contrary to Scripture" and Galileo was instructed to abandon his support for it. When he later defended his views in Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, he was tried by the Inquisition, found guilty of heresy and spent the rest of his life under house arrest.

(F)Galileo was a devoted Roman Catholic, and it seemed that he remained this way until his death. Before being convicted of heresy, he was in the favour of Pope Urban VIII. Pope Urban commissioned Galileo to write a book discussing heliocentrism, but told him not to advocate it. Unfortunately, this relationship disintegrated leaving Galileo vulnerable.

(LF)He discovered the four largest satellites of Jupiter (named the Galilean moons in his honour).

(Q)"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use"

John Locke

(BD)1632 – 1704

(O/A) An English philosopher and physician

(F)Raised as a Puritan (an Anglican), but later was a liberal Protestant Christian

Formed the Theories of Religious Tolerance

1. Earthly judges, the state in particular, and human beings generally, cannot dependably evaluate the truth-claims of competing religious standpoints

2. Even if they could, enforcing a single "true religion" would not have the desired effect, because belief cannot be compelled by violence

3. Coercing religious uniformity would lead to more social disorder than allowing diversity.

(LF)Widely known as the Father of Liberalism

(Q)“I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts.”

Issac Newton
1643 – 1727

(O/A)English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, philosopher, alchemist and theologian

In 1687, published the Principia, which includes Newton’s Laws of motion, his law of universal gravitation, and a derivation of Kepler’s laws of planetary motion.

(F)Newton viewed God as the master creator whose existence could not be denied due to the majesty of all creation and insisted that divine intervention is necessary to improve the world. Never made a public declaration of his private faith (which would have been deemed extremely radical by orthodox believers) except when he refused to take holy orders and refused, on his death bed, to take the sacrament.

(LF)In a manuscript he wrote in 1704 in which he shares his attempts to find scientific information from the Bible, he estimated that the world would end no earlier than 2060.

(Q)“Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who set the planets in motion. God governs all things and knows all that is or can be done”

Albert Einstein


(O/A)Was a German theoretical physicist, philosopher and author.

(F)His family were non-observant Jews, who sent Albert to a Catholic elementary school

In 1929, Einstein told Rabbi Herbert S. Goldstein "I believe in Spinoza's God, who reveals Himself in the lawful harmony of the world, not in a God Who concerns Himself with the fate and the doings of mankind."

In a 1954 letter, he wrote, "I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly.”

In a letter to philosopher Erik Gutkind, Einstein remarked, "The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still purely primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish.”

(LF)In the period before World War II, Albert Einstein was so well-known in America that he would be stopped on the street by people wanting him to explain "that theory." He finally figured out a way to handle the incessant inquiries. He told his inquirers "Pardon me, sorry! Always I am mistaken for Professor Einstein."

(Q)After World War II, as enmity between former allies became a serious issue, Einstein wrote, “I do not know how the third World War will be fought, but I can tell you what they will use in the Fourth – rocks!”

Stephen Hawking


(O/A) A British theoretical physicist

(F)Takes an agnostic or deist approach. Believes the universe is governed by the laws of science.

(LF)Stephen Hawking is severely disabled by motor neuron disease also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (or ALS)

(Q)“I have noticed even people who claim everything is predestined, and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road.”

Mahatma Gandhi
(BD)1869 – 1948

(O/A)The pre-eminent political and spiritual leader of India during the Indian independence movement.

(F)Gandhi was born a Hindu and practised Hinduism all his life, deriving most of his principles from Hinduism. As a common Hindu, he believed all religions to be equal, and rejected all efforts to convert him to a different faith.

“Hinduism as I know it entirely satisfies my soul, fills my whole being...When doubts haunt me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and when I see not one ray of light on the horizon, I turn to the Bhagavad Gita, and find a verse to comfort me; and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow. My life has been full of tragedies and if they have not left any visible and indelible effect on me, I owe it to the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita.”

(LF)On 30 January 1948, Gandhi was fatally shot while having his nightly public walk on the grounds of the Birla Bhavan (Birla House) in New Delhi. The assassin was a Hindu nationalist with links to an extremist who held Gandhi responsible for weakening India by insisting upon a payment to Pakistan.

(Q)"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty"

A BIG thank you to wikipedia for making this article easy for me to write.