Words of Wisdom

“One travels more usefully when alone, because he reflects more” - Thomas Jefferson

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Back, and I'm in the Bush!

Heyo! Well a lot has happened in the world since I last posted something. America has experienced a failed bomb attack in NYC, Louisiana is flooded, the Gulf is experiencing a an unprecedented oil spill and 2 days ago the DOW plunged almost 1000 points. While here in Canada all we have to talk about are the scandals coming out of Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Government. Oh and Britain had an election, which has probably gone to the Tories.

And I am now done exams (the reason for no recent posts) and I am now working at an Exploration Bush Camp for the summer. 5 and a half hours away from my town and everyone I know. Yay for me :P

I will try to post a new segment every few days, but we'll see how that goes. I'm just glad I have satellite TV and internet.

Hope everything is well with anyone who reads this post and have a good summer!

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