Words of Wisdom

“One travels more usefully when alone, because he reflects more” - Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Get to Know a God: Amaterasu

Welcome to the first of many installations of Get to Know a God! We all know the stories of Yahweh, Allah, Buddha and some of the more popular figures, so I thought it would be fitting to do some digging for gods that we are not so familiar with. This way it can be seen that humanity has dreamt up a lot of crazy things over our many years of existence and that a lot of what we still have today, showcased in religion and spirituality, are simply stories and myths that have survived the ravages of time.

The first one on the docket is Amaterasu, a Japanese sun goddess who was born from the left eye of the primeval being Izanagi. She is given the title of The Ruler of the Plane of Heaven and is one of the principal Shinto deities.

Amaterasu is said to be directly linked to the Imperial Household of Japan and the Emperor.

The worship of Amaterasu to the exclusion of other Kami (spirits) has caused the following to be dubbed "the Cult of the Sun".

To learn more about Amaterasu`s story, please visit this lovely page.

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